Wednesday, April 14, 2010

mmm the color of chocolate...

Our water comes from the river, so when it rains hard this is what comes out of the faucets.

It shouldn't last too much longer but until then...we will be showering out of the bucket:)


  1. yumm why dont you drink it? lol

  2. You guys have figured out a way to make chocolate milk come out of the faucet! Get a patent quick!

    Ha ha, I had to take a half-chocolate shower down there one of the mornings. The dirt started pouring out half way through, and I had already committed myself to the shower with soap. I don't think I told you that b/c I wanted you to think I was clean and hang out with me :)

  3. It sure makes one appreciate all the "clean" water we have up here. At least down there you know it is natural mud and no chemicals! LOL

  4. This is one of life's 'NECESSARY EXPERIENCES', otherwise your appreciation for what most of us take for granted would not be the same...So glad you have brown water :)

  5. Hey chicas, I have finally had a moment to catch up on your blog. Looks like you are gaining some great life experiences on this trip. Keep up the good work. Love /Nadia
