Monday, February 1, 2010

Dad gave the talk at the Tienda Nueva congregation (the one we will be in) on Saturday, and then again at 8am and 9am Sunday.

Also, I have now proved that I can actually make platanos (fried plantains) without burning down the kitchen. I hope you are proud Linda :)

They have chickens for the eatin' in the back yard so we ate some [very] fresh chicken. It's interesting to wake up and see chickens hanging upside down in the yard (to be bled).

The hot dogs here (perro its literally the spanish words for hot [caliente] and dog [perro]) are amazing. They are loaded up with chips and sauce and cheese. Contrary to what Steph's face looks like it is feeling in the picture, she actually thought they were delicioso!


  1. Jess, Your culinary advancement is impressive:) Your comment made me laugh. xoxo

  2. Awww man...Jess, That means I can't get your next microwave oven :(

  3. I'm so happy for you guys!!! Reminds me of when I was in the Dominican Republic..where the life syle is so simple and the people are so friendly so easy to become attached to them!!! I felt like a missionary..Many deaf people there especially children lots of bible studies...the Asl is easy ...but I need to learn spanish quick!!! Your pictures and food menu and schedule were the same as ours!!! Thanks for's an experience of a life time!

  4. This is so awesome. Following ppl on a computer is... Amazing!!! It's so nice to see Jess hasen't lost her roots in picking up various, possibly virus carrying animals. Glad you guys arrived safe and pale,stay out in service. Nice comment at the meeting Jess, Steph... Have fun stay safe.


  5. Oh my goodness! It knows who I am.
