This is the family we are living with in Palmira: Jesus, Kelly, and Laura. They are all three regular pioneering and have 38 studies between the three of them. They go out in service almost every day. Territory in the morning, and studies in the afternoon. This morning, we all slept in because the territory was in the mountains, where it is not as safe for the gringas (white girls)to go.

This is the "pueblo" we are living in. Man, we are roughing it in this country, there are only three hammocks on the 2nd floor porch.
After the meeting Tuesday, empandas, papas rellenos, and refajo (=beer + soda, in this case Sprite)..mmmm!
We went to the meeting Tuesday night in Cali. There are muchos jovenes (young people) in this congregation. Jessica made her first comment in Spanish. It was very complex: "Respetar las decisiones y deseos del paciente."